Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My Beach Babes

The Hubs and I debated for a long time. A year and a half, actually. And finally, we decided to just. do. it.
So, after lots of prayer, pinterest-searching, and a visit to our local library where I checked out nearly every "vroom-vroom"-related DVD, book on CD and cardboard-bound (read: indestructible) book, we made a leap of faith. And drove. 15 hours. to the beach. with a toddler.
And you know what? Daisy was heavenly. Honestly, I expected the worst, but she was so content (okay, sleepy) that she hardly made a peep. And...not once (on the drive there or back) did we have to bust out the portable DVD player. Positive proof, my friends, that there's no obstacle you can't tackle with the power of prayer and a library card.

Some highlights from our first day at the beach:

Daisy's first reaction to the ocean: Amazement. 

The water. touched. her. toes.
Sooo not okay. At all.
Good thing Nanni Phi was on hand for moral support.

I think it's safe to say the hubs had a great time, though.

With the exception of last year, I can't remember a summer when I didn't visit my aunt's beach house.
It was good to get back.

Another unexpected reaction to the beach: It knocked Daisy out. Completely.
Guess that's what happens when you set a kid's sound machine to the "ocean" setting since birth...


Mine: H&M (I think it was on crazy sale for something under $20)
Hubs: H&M ($7)
Daisy: c/o Daisy & Dolly Designs

Salty air kisses,

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